CGF's new mobile application
Tomáš Přikryl, Sobota 10. dubna 2021
Complete tournament service, including registration and deregistration, starting lists and detailed results - you’ll find all this and more in CGF's new mobile application, ready to be installed in your smartphone today.
The app is available on Android and iOS platforms and provides a complete tournament agenda for players. It features, e.g., lists of current, completed or future tournaments with the option of filtering details of the conditions of competition, the option to register/deregister, lists of registered players or start lists, a results service as well as detailed score cards or even matches among teams. All this comes in a small, lightning-fast and comfortable package.
In 2021, it started offering the new options "Electronic Membership Card" and "History of HCP", which require just a one-time validation of data that the club registers in a central database on the CGF server.
- Enter any one of your valid member/registration numbers.
- Enter the first and third digit after the forward slash of your birth number. The data is not stored anywhere and only serves for verification purposes.
- Enter your date of birth.
If you do not have a Czech birth number, contact your club.
Click here to download the application: